Month: June 2020

CURE Pharmaceutical[OTC: CURR]Expands Highly Valuable Medication Patent Portfolio; Marketing Expansion to Mexico, Plus New Product Applications in the Multi-Billion Dollar Erectile Dysfunction Market

On June 3rd CURE Pharmaceutical (OTC:CURR), an innovative medication development and enhancement company, announced a collaboration with PMI, a subsidiary of Factoria Bogar in Guadalajara, Mexico. PMI will have access to the CURR bio-product platform, CUREform™ for its medication formulation, and become its distribution partner in Mexico for CURR wellness products, such as […]

Saden and the World Bank Group Organize the Social Entrepreneurship Program (SEP) and Launch a Call for Projects in Support of the People of Guinea in the Framework of COVID-19

CONAKRY, GUINEA – The Salon des Entrepreneurs de Guinée (SADEN) and the World Bank Group are jointly launching a Call for Projects for innovative solutions to facilitate the daily life of populations in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic from 25 May to 28 June 2020. This Call for Projects […]

Business strategist, consultant, speaker, and author Ashley Cloud has released the 2nd Edition of her #1 best selling book in the field of Medical Aesthetics

“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” ~ James Cash Penney, founder, JC Penney The Art of the Aesthetic Practice is a compelling book written by Ashley Cloud which shows the ropes to 7 Fundamental Steps to Providing the Ultimate Patient Experience and […]